Student work completed or housed in Blackboard Learn and other instructional technology tools is not part of the institution’s “official student record”, which is required in order to produce a transcript. The “official student records” for a course are the final grades housed in myBama/Banner.
Departments, colleges, or programs may require instructors to save or submit semester grades outside of Blackboard Learn.
For incompletes or pending grade challenges, instructors and students should save outside of Blackboard any grades or coursework necessary to complete the course or assign a final grade.
Time frames for incompletes are outlined on the Registrar’s Grade Reporting Page: “For undergraduate students, one year following the assignment of an “I” grade, that grade will be changed to a grade of “F.” For graduate students, the grade of “I” will remain on the student’s record indefinitely until a Change of Grade request is submitted.”
Time frames for grade challenges or grievances are outlined on the Faculty Handbook’s Grievance Proceedure Procedure Page: “Grievances related to course grades normally should be filed during the semester in which the alleged action takes place, but such protest must be made not later than the last day of classes of the next succeeding regular semester.”