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You will only be able to re-submit a Turnitin assignment if your instructor has allowed for this in the assignment settings.


  1. Click on the assignment link in a course content areaIn the Blackboard course, select the Turnitin Assignment link to access the assignment. A new tab/window may open to launch the assignment.

  2. Click Confirm that the assignment allows resubmissions. On the Assignment Dashboard, click on the assignment title to open expand the assignment details including the due date and any instructions provided by the instructor. The


    details will

    tell you if your instructor has allowed resubmissions or not. See example in the screenshot below

    show if resubmissions are allowed.


  1. Click on the


  1. Upload Paper button to


  1. begin the resubmission process.


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "kb-how-to-article" and space = "CIT" and type = "page"
