Enable Respondus Monitor on a Blackboard Test

Enable Respondus Monitor on a Blackboard Test

Respondus Monitor is an add-on feature to Respondus Lockdown Browser. To use Respondus Monitor, first enable Respondus Lockdown Browser.


  1. After Lockdown Browser is required, select the option to Require Respondus Monitor.

  2. Review Startup Sequence options. These options are all checked by default.

  3. Review Facial Detection Options. These options are all checked by default.

    • CIT recommends that both options be UNCHECKED at this time.

  4. Advanced Settings include:

    • Allow another application to use the microphone during this exam.

    • Make webcam videos additionally available for viewing on mobile devices (allow 24 hours).

    • Enter a demo student username for use by the instructor.

  5. Enter the desired settings and choose Save and Close.

Your Lockdown Browser Dashboard will now show the Lockdown Browser status and Respondus Monitor status of your exams.


We recommend including Respondus Monitor Information for Students in your Blackboard Course.

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