Importing Midterm or Final grades into myBama

Importing Midterm or Final grades into myBama

Before importing midterm or final grades into myBama, please review Entering Midterm or Final Grades in Blackboard. Grades must be formatted a certain way to be imported into myBama.

Once midterm or final grades have been imported from Blackboard, check them for accuracy. 


  1. In MyBama, click on your Faculty & Advisors link on the left menu under Pages.

  2. In the Faculty Tools window, click on Grading.

  3. Click on Midterm Grades or Final Grades.

  4. Choose the appropriate academic term from the Select a Term dropdown menu.

  1. From the dropdown menu, select a course for which grades will be submitted. The course roster will appear (25 students per page).

  2. To import grades from Blackboard Learn, click on the Import Grades from Blackboard Learn button.

A message will appear: “Loading Blackboard Learn Gradesand, if appropriate midterm or final grade data can be found in Blackboard Learn, it will populate the grade selection dropdowns for each student in myBama. 

If no Blackboard course exists matching the CRN or if no Midterm or Final grade column is found in the Blackboard course, an error message will appear: “There are no Blackboard Learn grades found for this course…”

  • Only letter grades can be imported into myBama. Plus/minus grades are allowed for undergraduate courses and A,B,C,D, F for graduate. I, and NC grades will need to be selected from the dropdown in myBama when needed. The UA Office of the Registrar provides guidance on permissible grade types.

  • When a grade of F is assigned, instructors are now required to select a reason for the grade.

  • If an invalid grade is in the Midterm or Final column in Blackboard Learn, Banner will set that student’s grade to NONE. All other grades will be imported and submitted as normal.

Please confirm that all grades are in the appropriate format and that they are submitted successfully in Banner by checking the grade submission channel in myBama under the Faculty tab. There will be a green checkmark next to the course in grade channel.

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