Clickers & Mobile Polling

Clickers & Mobile Polling

Receive in-class student responses in real time with mobile polling and clickers.


Point Solutions, powered by Echo360, provides classroom engagement and assessments that allow students to participate in real-time using their own clickers or mobile apps. Interactive polling options are often used for participation points, in-class quizzes, and surveys.

UA supports Point Solutions clickers and the Point Solutions mobile app.

  • Clickers are handheld devices students use to respond to instructor polling questions.

  • The Point Solutions mobile app allows for students to respond to polling questions using their cell phone, tablet, or laptop. Instructors have the option of requiring just clickers, just the Point Solutions mobile app, or both clickers and the Point Solutions mobile app.

Both clickers and the Point Solutions mobile app require a license purchased by students. Instructors should include the use of clickers and/or the Point Solutions mobile app on their course materials forms from the Supe Store.

Point Solutions Account Support

For questions regarding your Point Solutions account contact Echo360 Support at:

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