How do I organize course content in Blackboard?

We recommend that instructors organize course content into units, modules, weeks, etc. Chunking content into accessible groups helps students better navigate the Blackboard course.


Create a content area

  1. On the course menu, click the plus icon at the top left.

  2. Choose Content Area from the drop down menu.

  3. Enter the name of the new content area (For example, Course Documents, or Syllabus).

  4. Click on the Available to Users checkbox if this content area should be seen by students. 

  5. Click Submit.

NOTE: a content area is automatically invisible to students until you add content to the page.

The new link appears at the bottom of the menu.

Create a content folder within a content area

  1. Choose Build Content at the top of the content area.

  2. Select Content Folder in the second column of the dropdown menu.

  3. Type in the name of the folder.

  4. Optional: Add a text description of the folder.

  5. Optional: Choose tracking and availability options.

  6. Click Submit.

The new folder will appear at the bottom of the content area. Enter the folder to add content.

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