How do I upgrade my Qualtrics account?

How do I upgrade my Qualtrics account?

Students have limited access to the tools available in Qualtrics to ensure that the surveys being distributed are for academic or university purposes.  Students can create two active surveys, but can request increased permissions by contacting their division administrator.


The following information is needed for all upgrade requests:

  • What is the full name of the user?

  • What is their email address?

  • Which of the following describes their role at the University of Alabama - undergraduate student, graduate student, instructor, staff?

  • What is the goal of this permissions upgrade?

Option 1:

Contact your Qualtrics Division Administrator. The list of Division Administrators is on the Qualtrics page in OIT’s Software Catalog.

Option 2:

Contact the Center for Instructional Technology for assistance with your Qualtrics account permissions.

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