Testing Tips for Students

Testing Tips for Students

Testing Tips for students image

It is strongly recommended that students follow these guidelines to help avoid problems when taking tests in Blackboard Learn. While no amount of preparation can account for all possible issues, this information can minimize the chance of experiencing a technical problem.

Prepare for the Test

  • Use a wired internet connection. Do not use a wireless or satellite connection, if possible.

  • Close or quit any other programs running on the computer.

  • Disable pop-up blockers in the browser.

  • Read the Test Instructions section at the top of the test. This area tells you the time limit (if any), how many attempts you are allowed, and if you are able to backtrack (for one-at-a-time question presentation).

During the Test

  • Do not resize or refresh the browser window after beginning a test. Make sure it is the desired size before beginning the test.

  • Do not use the back and forward buttons on the browser to navigate within a test. To move from question to question, only use the navigation within the test.

  • Use the mouse scroll wheel as little as possible. Scrolling the wheel right after clicking an answer choice may inadvertently change an answer on a question.

  • Do not maximize or minimize the browser during the test. Do not switch between multiple windows or tabs, or open other programs. If your instructor allows you to use your notes, print them out before taking the test.

  • If the test shows all questions on the same page, click on the Save button to the right of each question after selecting an answer.

  • Always wait for Blackboard Learn to finish processing a request before clicking another button. Do not rush through the test and click several buttons at once.

After the Test

  • At the end of the test, click the Submit button and wait to receive the confirmation message that the test was submitted successfully.

    • The report includes: first name, last name, name of the assessment, course name, username, course ID, and date/time of submission. Some instructors may ask students to print or email a screenshot of the report as verification.

  • If you see a lock symbol when checking your grade, this indicates that the test was not submitted correctly. Inform your instructor and ask how to proceed. Your instructor is the only person who can clear your attempt or allow another attempt allowing you to retake a test. Note: When an instructor clears a student’s attempt, all previously submitted answers are erased.

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