How do I create my course in Blackboard?

How do I create my course in Blackboard?

This guide is for instructors that are the instructor of record for a course listed in myBama. An instructor of record can choose to use Blackboard Learn for their sections using the Blackboard Learn Section Maintenance tool through myBama.

If courses are missing in the Blackboard Learn Section Maintenance tool, contact your department to confirm that you have been assigned as the instructor of record.


In the Blackboard Learn Section Maintenance Tool, confirm that your courses are included in Blackboard.

  1. Select the Choose term tab. This page will display a list of the sections for which you are the instructor of record. It will also indicate whether each course is included in UA’s Blackboard environment.

Integration Code

Is the course in Blackboard?

Integration Code

Is the course in Blackboard?

Not integrated with Blackboard Learn


Blackboard Learn


  1. If a course is not in Blackboard, click on the Make Sections Available in Blackboard Learn tab at the top of the screen. A list of course sections for the chosen term will appear.

  2. Check the box next to the course(s) you wish to create in Blackboard.

  3. Click the Update button.

  4. When the confirmation message appears, choose OK.

The sections will be generated in Blackboard.

Do you need to your combine courses? Navigate to this article: How do I combine my Blackboard sections?

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