Why can’t I find/see my folder on the Panopto recorder?


Instructors open up the Panopto recorder, then look at the top list of recording folders and are unable to see their course Panopto folder there.

This is because that top group of folders you see in the Panopto recorder are just the most recently used folders. Not all of your accessible folders. That is why the area at the top of the list is called ‘Quick access’, as highlighted in the image below:



To find a new or different Panopto folder to record into:

  1. Select the dropdown menu button next to folders name.

  2. Select the search bar area at the top of the folder list.

  3. Type in your course name, beginning with the semester code.

  4. Select the correct folder from the filtered list.

The selected course folder should appear in your Quick Access list moving forward.


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