How do I access old Turnitin assignments?

How do I access old Turnitin assignments?

Instructor is unable to access student submissions to old Turnitin assignments through Blackboard.

Previous Version

Current Version

Previous Version

Current Version

Old Turnitin assignment with old logo


Turnitin assignment new icon



Instructors can access old submissions through Turnitin.com.

  1. Navigate to turnitin.com.

  2. Reset your password to gain access to the website, by following the instructions here.

    • This does not change your password for myBama or Blackboard.

  3. Login after changing your password.

  4. When the class dashboard loads, verify the current profile is set to “Instructor” (there is a black bar at the top, look for the profile type).

  5. Once the instructor profile is selected, if not already active, locate the Blackboard Learn Production (below you’ll see 3 tabs), and click the “Expired Classes”.

  6. Click on the appropriate class to access assignments and submissions from the old assignments.

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