What does NOT convert to Ultra Course View?

What does NOT convert to Ultra Course View?

When converting your course from Original to Ultra Course View, some features will not convert and will be removed. We recommend requesting an Ultra Preview course to preview and prepare your course content before moving your Live course to Ultra.

Please contact the Center for Instructional Technology for more information.


These items are removed from the course when you convert permanently to Ultra Course View

Original Content Type

Is there an alternative in Ultra?

Original Content Type

Is there an alternative in Ultra?




Yes. Use Discussion Board in Blackboard or an external blogging platform.


Yes. Create a document with contact information.

Course Links

Yes. You can create course links on the Course Content page. Click the + icon and select Create from the menu. In the Create Item panel, select Link, then switch to the Course Link tab. Search for and select the item you want to link and then click the Save button. The visibility of a course link is tied to the visibility of the linked content. 

Cannot add course link to: Discussion boards, folders, learning modules

Cannot add course link within: Ultra documents, Announcements

Course Menu Module Page

No. The course menu has set options at the top of the course.

Course Menu Course Links

No. The course menu has set options at the top of the course.

Course Menu Subheader

No. The course menu has set options at the top of the course.

Course Menu Divider

No. The course menu has set options at the top of the course.


Yes. Create a document with glossary content.

Grading Color Codes


Grading Periods


Module Page (example: My Alerts)


Test Question Types: File Response, Jumbled Sentence, Opinion Scale/Likert, Ordering, Quiz Bowl

Yes. Visit our help article for more information: Review and edit unsupported test question types in Ultra

Self and Peer Assessments

Yes. Create an assignment with peer evaluation.

Grade Center Smart Views

Yes. The Ultra Gradebook has Filters in the Grades view.


Yes. Create a test or use Qualtrics.

Syllabus (content type, not file)

Yes. Upload a syllabus file (Word, PDF)

Total Column

Yes. Recreate with Total Calculation in the Gradebook.

Weighted Total Column

Yes. Recreate with Weighted Calculation in the Gradebook.


No. Use OneDrive to collaborate on a document with students in the course.

Standalone Groups

Yes. Recreate groups in the course.


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