Feel comfortable with navigating through the key areas in Slate
Provision and access your Personal Test environment
Learn the differences between the standard record and dataset types
Understand the parts of the Person Record and where to find key data
Build free text, bit, single value, and multiple values fields
Build prompt lists
Understand how the Slate database is structured
Knowledge Check
Slate is completely mobile responsive? True or False
Slate Environments
Clean Slate - Provisioned as either a blank database or a copy of a model database, the Clean Slate environment can be used for reference or training purposes, but is not individual to each user. This environment is indicated by the "CLEAN SLATE" text along the left-hand side.
Time Warp - This is a copy of your production environment at a specific point in time from the last 90 days, indicated by the "TIME WARP" text along the left-hand side.
Personal Test - This database includes content created exclusively for Learning Lab courses and their follow-along activities. This Personal Test environment is individual per user. It is not shared with other users at your institution.
With the exception of your Personal Test Database, only one of each environment type is associated with a single Production database, shared among all users in your instance.
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