VPN Client Instructions for Linux and BSD

VPN Client Instructions for Linux and BSD

The OpenConnect VPN client is recommended for connecting to the UA VPN. This client should work on any Linux or BSD system. Instructions are provided below for the most common Linux and BSD installations.

openSUSE Linux (Leap or Tumbleweed)


From a terminal window, switch to root or use “sudo” to run: zypper install openconnect

To connect to VPN

Open a terminal window, and switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

sudo openconnect – – authgroup=campus uavpn2.ua.edu

Enter your username when prompted.

Enter your password when prompted.

At the second password prompt, either enter your Duo passphrase, or type “push” to receive a push notification to your mobile device.

Keep this window open to remain connected to the VPN.

Debian or Ubuntu Linux


From a terminal window run:

sudo apt-get install openconnect

Enter your password when prompted

To connect to VPN

Open a terminal window and run:

sudo openconnect – – authgroup=campus uavpn2.ua.edu

Enter your password when prompted

Keep this window open to remain connected to the VPN.

Arch Linux


From a terminal window, switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

pacman -Sy openconnect

To connect to VPN

Open a terminal window, and switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

sudo openconnect – – authgroup=campus uavpn2.ua.edu

Enter your username when prompted.

Enter your password when prompted.

At the second password prompt, either enter your Duo passphrase, or type “push” to receive a push notification to your mobile device.

Keep this window open to remain connected to the VPN.

Fedora Linux


From a terminal window, switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

yum install openconnect

To connect to VPN

Open a terminal window, and switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

sudo openconnect – – authgroup=campus uavpn2.ua.edu

Enter your username when prompted.

Enter your password when prompted.

At the second password prompt, either enter your Duo passphrase, or type “push” to receive a push notification to your mobile device.

Keep this window open to remain connected to the VPN.

CentOS or Red Hat Linux


From a terminal window, switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

yum install epel-release

yum install openconnect

To connect to VPN

Open a terminal window, and switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

sudo openconnect – – authgroup=campus uavpn2.ua.edu

Enter your username when prompted.

Enter your password when prompted.

At the second password prompt, either enter your Duo passphrase, or type “push” to receive a push notification to your mobile device.

Keep this window open to remain connected to the VPN.

FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD


From a terminal window, switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

pkg install openconnect

To connect to VPN

Open a terminal window, and switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

sudo openconnect – – authgroup=campus uavpn2.ua.edu

Enter your username when prompted.

Enter your password when prompted.

At the second password prompt, either enter your Duo passphrase, or type “push” to receive a push notification to your mobile device.

Keep this window open to remain connected to the VPN.



From a terminal windows, switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

pkg_add openconnect

Select the full version, not the “light” version

To connect to VPN

Open a terminal window, and switch to root or use “sudo” to run:

sudo openconnect – – authgroup=campus uavpn2.ua.edu

Enter your username when prompted.

Enter your password when prompted.

At the second password prompt, either enter your Duo passphrase, or type “push” to receive a push notification to your mobile device.

Keep this window open to remain connected to the VPN.

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