

Current LastPass users with personal accounts will need to unlink their personal accounts before migrating to the Keeper Enterprise account. Doing so will keep your personal information off the UA Enterprise server. Current users can follow these step-by-step instructions to unlink the accounts.


Keeper is a secure password management tool that can create and store passwords in an encrypted environment. Keeper is available as a browser tool, a desktop app, and a mobile device app. Students are eligible to use Keeper Unlimited for personal passwords. Faculty and staff are eligible to use Keeper Family Plan for personal passwords as well as Keeper Enterprise for University passwords.

Have questions? Visit our Keeper FAQ page for answers to common questions.

How to Obtain Keeper


Faculty and staff may register for an Enterprise Keeper account to store UA passwords.

The UA Enterprise Keeper account is protected with Duo two-factor authentication, so be prepared to follow the Duo prompt with your Duo-registered device. If you are not an active Duo user, please activate your account at duo.ua.edu.

Next, download the Keeper browser extension and desktop app. Keeper works as an extension of your browser to keep your passwords in a secure and encrypted environment. Download the extension for your browser at www.keepersecurity.com/download-web. Once the browser extensions are installed, login with your new Keeper credentials and you’re ready to use Keeper! If you are transferring passwords from LastPass to Keeper, the desktop is the easiest way to do so. You can download the desktop app at www.keepersecurity.com/download-desktop.

Follow these step-by-step instructions to migrate from LastPass to Keeper.

Keeper Family as Benefit Plan

All Keeper Enterprise users can create a free, Keeper Family Plan for up to 5 family members with unlimited devices. Once the user sets up the Family Plan, each family member receives their own vault. They can also share passwords between family members using either Shared Folders or individual record sharing. You can learn how to create a free Family Plan account from an Enterprise account at docs.keeper.io/enterprise-guide/personal-vaults-for-enterprise-and-business-users. If your time with UA comes to an end, Keeper will transition your account to a 30-day “Free Trial” account. 

If you still have questions, you can visit our Keeper FAQ Page.

Student Personal Accounts

Free Keeper Unlimited licenses for students will be available soon. Please check this page often for updates.