This guide is for student users.
Are you an instructor? Instructors can allow students to submit video recordings for assignments using Panopto. View this article: Create a Panopto assignment in Blackboard
First, Record or upload your video in Panopto.
Open the assignment in Blackboard and select Write Submission.
In the text editor, select the three dots to expand the entire toolbar, and then select the icon, which looks like a circle with a plus symbol inside of it, to open the Add Content window.
4. Then select Panopto Student Video Submission.
5. A window will open to show the videos in your personal folder. If your video is located in a different folder, select the correct folder from the drop-down at the top.
6. Select the video you wish to submit and click Submit Video.
7. Your video will be added to the submission. Add any extra information and Submit.