Microsoft Select Agreement

Microsoft Select Agreement

The Microsoft Select Agreement is a volume licensing agreement that provides licensing for Microsoft products on University machines not covered by UA’s Microsoft Campus Agreement.

Licensing Information & Restrictions

Licenses purchased under the Select Agreement are perpetual and do not expire.  Users can purchase Software Assurance on most licenses, which offers new product version rights.  Users must pay an annual fee for Software Assurance.  For more information regarding Software Assurance benefits, please visit Microsoft’s Software Assurance website.

A wide variety of desktop and server products are available through the Select Agreement.  For a complete listing of product availability, download Microsoft’s latest Product Terms.  Products covered under the Microsoft Campus Agreement are available for purchase under the Select Agreement, but should NOT be purchased through Select as licensing is already in place.  Contact the IT Service Desk for installation of Microsoft Campus Agreement products.

Dell is the University’s Microsoft reseller.  Please see the Obtaining Software section below for more information concerning the procurement process.

System Requirements and Cost

Requirements and cost vary by product.


The Select Agreement is available to all University departments. Software purchased through the Select Agreement may be installed and used by faculty, staff, and students on University-owned machines.

The Select Agreement is for University-owned machines only. Faculty, graduate assistants employed by the University, and staff members covered under the Campus Agreement may purchase Microsoft Office for use on personally-owned computers for work and personal use at a nominal cost through Microsoft Office 365.

Student-owned computers are not included under the Select Agreement or Home Use Program. Students should visit the University Supply Store to obtain student versions of Microsoft products.

Obtaining Software

Dell is the current Microsoft reseller for The University of Alabama. To obtain a quote through the Select Agreement, contact Warner Pagel at Dell via email, Warner.Pagel@Dell.com If you are interested in purchasing Software Assurance or media, you must ask for that to be quoted, as well.  Once you receive the quote, you may purchase the software through your normal procurement channels.

To obtain installation files and product keys, please follow the steps listed below:

  1. Once Dell processes your order, you will receive a License Confirmation Certificate from eBusinessCustomerCare@dell.com. An example of the License Confirmation Certificate can be viewed here.

  2. Forward this certificate to the IT Service Desk and request the applicable installation files and/or product keys. If your department is supported by OIT, you may request installation services at this time.  For departments not supported by OIT, please contact your support group for installation services.