In Slate, a record is considered a singular store of related data. Records can be searched for and viewed within Slate and may display data such as contact information, a timeline of interactions, submitted forms, application status, and much more.
The most heavily used record type is a Person Record, which captures all of the data related to one person.
Matching Criteria
When new data comes into Slate - through form submission, event registration, or an upload - it is essential to identify whether this data should be associated with an existing record or become part of a new record. Slate uses various criteria to identify matches and prevent duplicate records carefully.
Person Records “high-value” matching criteria
First Name
Last Name
The more high-value matching criteria included on forms or through an import, the more likely an exact match will be found.
Knowledge Check
Which of the following are considered high value matching criteria?
First Name
Last Name
Finding Records
There are two ways to find and access records.
Omnisearch (at far right in navigation bar) - returns a brief, auto-suggested list of results (max of 15), including all record types and Slate content, such as Events and Forms.
Lookup (clicking return in Omnisearch takes you to Record and shows you Lookup; to search other Slate content select that navigation and look for its Search) - returns a paginated list of all results within a specific Dataset. You can toggle between record types and add custom filters to your search.
Person Records
No matter where they are in the admissions cycle - prospect, inquiry, applicant, or even enrolled student - all individuals are considered Person Records. As someone moves through the recruitment funnel, their status or other attributes may change (they may apply or apply again), but they will only have one Person Record throughout their lifetime.
Standard tabs
Dashboard - provides a general, read-only overview of the person. The dashboard should provide high-level, contextual information about the person.
Note: Profile pics utilize GravatarTimeline - provides an overview of the many actions taken by, and on behalf of, a record. Some actions will occur in Slate, such as submitting an application, placing a phone call, or registering for an event.
Timeline sub-tabs:Timeline view displays a chart of all the interactions over time, along with a list of interactions organized by month and the option to create new interactions.
Interactions view displays in list form. You can sort the columns, search for specific interactions, and even filter by different types such as email or phone call.
Audit Log is a list of all changes made to the record, either through system automations or administrative edits.
Campaigns view displays any drip marketing communications that are scheduled for the record.
Profile - packed with data, giving you options to review existing data and make updates. When you first click on the Profile tab, you'll see a complete listing of those data points. Only upon clicking into the sections in the right navigation will you have the option to add, remove, and edit the data.
Profile standard subtabs:Biographical
Create Application
Restore Application
Edit Slate ID
Edit Restricted Access
Note: There are additional subtabs related to the user's account and application, which you will review in later lessons.
Materials - stores files associated with the Person Record. Materials may be associated with the Person Record or something specific, like an application or school record. Examples of materials include transcripts, letters of recommendation, and essays.
Application - new application tab is created when an application is started or submitted, including imported applications. Since one record may have multiple applications in its lifetime, each application will have its own tab.
Note: Application tabs will only appear when an application is started or submitted.
Custom Tabs
If an applicant reaches out to share that they have a new email address, where would you go to make this change on their record in Slate?
Dashboard Tab
Timeline Tab
Profile Tab
Materials Tab