To keep records organized, Slate uses Datasets to categorize and collect records by type. Datasets keep records organized and allow you to make customizations as needed.
Initially provisioned Datasets
Person - includes primary records that will be used throughout the admissions process, from prospect to inquiry to applicant.
Organizations - includes high school and college data, including CEEB codes. This data is sourced from the College Board and maintained by you.
Organization Contacts - includes contact information for counselors and teachers associated with institutions in the Organizations dataset.
Custom Datasets
An optional way to organize record types that do not fall into the categories of Person, Organization, or Organization Contact.
Organization Dataset
Prepopulated with high school and college data, allowing you to easily track school history. While most things are consistent between person records and other dataset records, we've highlighted a few distinct areas of difference:
Record Name - By default, your database includes a list of over 50,000 organization records, which you may modify at any time. This list of high schools and colleges has been compiled by the College Board.
Key - This list of records is provided by the College Board. Because of this, each record includes a unique key, just like person records. When adding to this list, we strongly recommend ensuring a unique Key exists.
Unique Custom Tabs - While custom tabs also exist within these datasets, they are distinct from the custom tabs that display data on Person records.
Embedded Queries - Current prospective students and applicants can be seen and searched for directly within the Dashboard. The query that drives this display is standard within your database, but may be modified to include or exclude columns.
Organization Contacts Dataset
Does not come prepopulated. Instead, use this dataset to store contact information for individuals related to Organizations. This is a great way to keep track of counselor information for quick reference.
Custom Datasets
You can create datasets for numerous purposes, including volunteers, alumni interviewers, and religious- or community-based organizations. While dataset records are not student records, they still allow for data collection and querying. Datasets can have custom fields, addresses, devices, relationships, and more.