How do I use Course Messages in Blackboard?

Course messages are private and secure text-based communication that occurs within your course among course members.

Although similar to email, you must be logged in to a course to read and send course messages. Messages activity remains inside the system, and you don't have to worry about email addresses that may be incorrect or outdated.

Known Issue

If you have unread messages in courses that are not from the current term, use the arrows in the Messages pane to identify the origin of the unread messages.

If the course is no longer available to you, contact CIT for further information.

Messages page

  • Click on the Messages tab to access the Messages tool for your course list.

  • Use the arrows in the Messages pane to access one semester at a time.

  • Click the plus sign to send a message to a user in the corresponding Blackboard course.

Messages page in Ultra Base Navigation

Access Course Messages for a single course

Click on the course card for the course on the Messages page to access the Course Messages Inbox and Sent folder.

Course Messages view of Inbox and Sent folders


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