Signing in to your UA Licensed MS Sway


  1. To start using Sway, visit and click Sign in on the top menu bar.

  2. When prompted, enter your or email address and myBama password.

  3. On the My Sways page that opens after signing in, click or tap Create New.

    Create new Sway icon

Connect from Microsoft 365 for business

If you’re already working online within your organization’s Microsoft 365 environment, you can connect to the Sway home page from the app launcher.

  1. Select the app launcher (waffle button) at the top left of the browser window.

  2. Select Sway from the Apps list. If you do not see Sway, select All apps.

    Can't find the app you're looking for? From the app launcher, select All apps to see an alphabetical list of the Microsoft 365 apps available to you. From there, you can search for a specific app.