How to Save Blackboard Content as a Student

Students should choose to save anything they may want to access later at the end of each semester.

Courses will be made unavailable according to the LMS Retention Policy, but can also be made unavailable by an instructor at any time after a course is completed.

Students may want to revisit past course work, especially for comprehensive exams, graduate school applications, or other instances where examples of your work may be requested. Collect your submitted work in UA Box or OneDrive for safe keeping, or save submissions as artifacts you can reference within Blackboard even when courses are no longer available.

Download Submissions

You can download submissions from Blackboard and save them to the storage device or service of your choice. UA Box and OneDrive are available to current students.

Download Blackboard Assignments
Download Turnitin Assignments

Save Artifacts

Artifacts not only include the submitted file/content, but they also include metadata about the assignment such as the assignment details, the grade the student received, and any feedback provided by the instructor. After students convert assignment submissions into assignment artifacts, they have permanent copies of their assignment artifacts in their My Artifacts repositories. If the assignment or its course are later made unavailable to a student or even deleted, the assignment artifact still remains in the My Artifacts repository. You can download or create Blackboard portfolios from saved artifacts.

Convert Submissions to Blackboard Artifacts


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