Access Granted

UA's Access Granted program, managed through the University Supply Store (Supe Store), changed its primary vendor to VitalSource in 2023.

With permission from The Office of Academic Affairs, a SupeStore support user will be added to all courses that require Access Granted materials in Blackboard Learn. The user will have access to add VitalSource links so they reflect the correct information. This user will not have access to student submissions or grades.

Blackboard Tool Panel

Students and Instructors can access the Access Granted links from the Tool Panel on the Blackboard course menu.

How it looks in Blackboard Learn

How it looks in Blackboard Learn

Tool Link in a Blackboard Course

Instructors have the option to add Access Granted as a tool link.

  • Courses that do not have the tool link, and do not access it through the Tool Panel, can add the Access Granted tool and the link will be named Access Granted.

  • If instructors access the VitalSource tool through a link they’ve created in their course, the name of the link will remain unchanged in old courses and copied courses and will show as VitalSource Course Materials.

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