How do I create a Forum in a Discussion Board?

A forum is an area of the discussion board where participants discuss a topic or a group of related topics. Within each forum, students can create multiple threads.

A thread includes the initial post and all replies to it. For more about threads view:

You can create forums and threads to organize discussions into units or topics relevant to your course.

Add a tool link on the course menu or within a content area for quick access to the Discussion Board.


  1. Select Course Tools on the lower left Control Panel menu.

  2. Choose Discussion Board.

  3. Click the Create Forum button.

  4. Type a name and optional instructions or a description. On the main discussion board page, the description appears after the forum name.

  5. In the Forum Availability section, select Yes.

  6. Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections. Display restrictions affect when the forum appears.

  7. Select the Forum Settings based on your specific needs.

  8. Grade: You can create a graded forum or thread and a column is created automatically in the Grade Center.

    1. Select Grade Discussion Forum and type a point value to evaluate participants on performance throughout a forum.

    2. Select Grade Threads to evaluate participants on performance in each thread.

  9. Click Submit.