How do I set a password for a test that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser?

How do I set a password for a test that requires Respondus Lockdown Browser?

This guide is for instructor users that require Respondus Lockdown Browser to take a test in Blackboard.

Do not remove/edit the password in the Test Options. Respondus Lockdown Browser (LDB) adds a string of letters and numbers to the Password field in the Test Options. This password connects the test to the lockdown browser.


In a Blackboard course, navigate to :

  1. On the Course Management menu, choose Course Tools.

  2. Then select Respondus Lockdown Browser.

  3. Click on the Settings menu (arrow button) next to the title of the test.

  4. Choose Settings.

  5. With the lockdown browser requirement selected already, add a password in the passoword field. It is optional.

  6. Click Save+Close.


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