How can I learn to teach with Blackboard Ultra?
A simpler, more modern Blackboard is here! UA instructors can now explore—and teach with—Blackboard Ultra Course View. CIT and OTIDE have established a goal of having all courses designed and delivered in Blackboard Ultra Course View by Spring 2026. Use these resources to get started with Ultra now. We’ll offer additional supports and services as an increasing number of courses are designed and delivered in “Ultra.”
If you have not yet tried Ultra Course View, you may do so by requesting a practice or live course.
CIT Resources
Ultra Course View Team
The Blackboard Ultra Course View Microsoft Team serves as an online community of practice for users exploring and teaching with Ultra in Blackboard. Members ask and answer questions; access resources; discover webinars, workshops, and events; find release notes and updates; and more. UA community members may request to join the Team via this link: Blackboard Ultra Course View-Center for Instructional Technology-Academic Affairs-Center for Instructional Technology | General | Microsoft Teams (select “Join”).
Support materials
Navigate through our support materials by clicking on a link below, or use the navigation menu to the left of this page.
Blackboard Ultra workshops and webinars
CIT offers workshops, webinars, and individual and group training on Blackboard Ultra and other UA instructional technologies. Visit the CIT site for upcoming and on-demand offerings: CIT Workshops
We’d love to share this information at your department or faculty meeting, in-service day, etc. Contact CIT to request an Ultra demo and info session or workshop or webinar on one of these topics:
Blackboard Ultra Demonstration & Information Session
Blackboard Ultra Basics
Blackboard AI Design Assistant - coming soon!
Analytics for Instructors
Creating Dynamic Content
Communicating with Students
Assessing Student Learning
Collaborative and Personalized Learning
Grading and Managing the Gradebook
Transitioning Original Courses to Ultra Courses
An on-demand (recorded) session is available here: Meet the New Blackboard: Blackboard Ultra Course View
Blackboard/Anthology Resources
These resources from Blackboard and its parent company, Anthology, are free and open to members of the UA community.
Instructor Webinar Series: Teaching in Blackboard Ultra
The Blackboard Instructor Webinar Series is designed for Instructors who are getting started with teaching using Blackboard Ultra and are looking to get the most out of using the tools for digital teaching. Live webinars are recorded with recording links emailed after the session. You can also access on-demand webinar recordings by providing your name and email address. Topics include: Blackboard Ultra Basics, Grading and Managing the Gradebook in Ultra, Creating Assessments in Ultra, Improving Student Engagement in Ultra, Using Groups in Ultra, Ultra Advantage: Converting a Course from Original to Ultra, Blackboard Ultra Best Practices, and more.
Getting Started with Blackboard Ultra course
This self-paced online course is delivered via Anthology Academy, an online training and professional development hub offered by Blackboard’s parent company, Anthology.
To enroll in the course:
Go to the Anthology Academy website.
Select Register/Log In. Select Sign Up to create a new account. Or, if you have already created an Anthology Academy account, enter your credentials and select Sign In.
Navigate to the Academy home page, which offers a searchable catalog of learning resources. Search or browse for this course title: Learn: Getting Started with Blackboard Learn Ultra, then select View in the course card. Courses may not immediately appear upon registration; please contact CIT if you are unable to access the course within 24 hours of creating your account.
Select Start Learning Experience.
Guides and step-by-step instructions
Blackboard Instructor Help, especially:
Video tutorials
A YouTube playlist of video tutorials for instructors, from Blackboard: Blackboard Tutorials - Instructors
Quick reference guides
These PDF quick reference guides from Blackboard/Anthology feature step-by-step instructions with pictures and highlight common features and tasks: