Why does Simple Syllabus only let me see the Syllabus Library?

Why does Simple Syllabus only let me see the Syllabus Library?


When you try to access Simple Syllabus, it only shows you the Syllabus Library, even though you have syllabi assigned to you. You can’t access your assigned syllabi to edit them.


A. Change your cookie settings. This may be a result of your browser’s cookie settings. For a permanent solution, you will need to change your browser settings to allow cookies and cross-site tracking.


B. You may not be logged in.

  1. Open Simple Syllabus through the link in myBama or directly at ua.simplesyllabus.com.

  2. Click on the profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Select My Profile or Login.

  1. The site will either ask you to log in with your myBama credentials or it will refresh to recognize that you are already logged into your account.


Make sure your computer and internet browser are up-to-date when accessing Simple Syllabus.

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