How do I delete a grade column in the Grade Center?

There are three types of columns in a grade center:

  • Columns created manually.

  • Calculated columns such as weighted totals.

  • Columns automatically created from gradable activities such as tests, assignments, discussions, etc.

Delete Manually Created & Calculated Columns

  1. In the Full Grade Center, click on the action link (arrow button) at the top of the column.

  2. Choose Delete Column on the menu.

  3. Click OK to confirm the column deletion.

WARNING: Deleting a grade center column will remove the data from within that column. The action is final.

Delete Auto-Created Columns

The only way to delete auto-created grade columns is to delete the gradable items in your course.

Instructors receive this warning message before deleting gradable content:

Warning: Deleting this content item will also delete all attempts for this test. Retain the Grade Center item and scores for this test by choose Preserve scores below. These scores will no longer link to the test attempts that produce the scores. This action cannot be undone. To prevent test attempts from being deleted, hit Leave as is below and make this content item unavailable rather than deleting it.

Delete test warning message


WARNING: Student work, such as test and assignment submissions, will be deleted along with the deletion of the content item in your course. The action is final.