Clickers & mobile polling FAQ

Clickers & mobile polling FAQ

This page contains frequently asked questions about clickers and mobile polling for students at UA.


Getting Started

Q. Where can I purchase a Point Solutions clicker for use in the classroom?

Clickers may be purchased from the University of Alabama Supply Store (Supe Store).

Q. Do I need to register my clicker for multiple classes?

No. Once your clicker is registered under your name, registration is complete. However, you should still click on the Clicker Registration link in the Blackboard course to confirm its registration.

Q. How do I start using my clicker in class?

You can use your registered clicker when your instructor begins polling. The instructor should let you know what channel the clicker receiver is on so you can set your clicker to the same channel. Respond to the questions presented.

Q. How do I change the channel on my clicker?

Click on the channel button. Enter the new channel ## and press Enter or OK to confirm the channel change.

Clicker Trouble

Q. What if my answer submission fails?

The clicker may be on the wrong channel or the receiver may be out of range. Inform your instructor and contact the Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) for more troubleshooting.

Q. My clicker has a blank screen, what do I do?

It’s possible that the clicker is out of power. Remove the battery cover and replace the 2 AA batteries. If the problem persists, contact the Center for Instructional Technology (CIT) for more assistance.

Q. What is the return policy on clickers?

Contact the Supe Store for more information and assistance.

Mobile Polling

Q. Are there alternatives to clickers?

Yes. Some instructors allow the use of mobile polling via the PointSolutions mobile app or web application.