Adaptive Release Explained

Adaptive Release Explained

Create an Adaptive Release rule for any content item in your Blackboard course. Each criterion narrows the availability of the item to student users.

It is not required to use all sections on the Adaptive Release page.


Setting a Date criterion for this item will restrict the dates and times of the visibility of the item.

  • The Display After date/time: when the item link should appear to student users.

  • The Display Until date/time: when the item link should disappear from student users' view.


The content item is visible to all users until a Membership criterion is created. Users must be specified in the Username list or must be in a selected Group.

Add a single user, a list of users, or add Blackboard groups to this section to specify who should access the item.

If you want to add groups to this section, you must first create groups in your Blackboard course.


The content item is visible to all users until a Grade criterion is created. Possible points for a Grade Center grade or calculated column are listed in brackets beside the column name. The score entered must be numeric.

This section is used if you would like an item to release once a student has completed another gradable item in the course. Example: This item should be available to students if they make 80% or higher on a previous assignment.

Review Status

All users can see the content item until a Review Status criterion is created. Selecting an item allows users to mark that item as reviewed.

Using this section puts a review status checkbox on another item in the course. Once the box is checked, indicating the content was viewed by the student, this item will become available.

Not Reviewed


Not Reviewed


Blackboard content with option to Mark as Reviewed


Blackboard content marked as Reviewed with another content item available


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