How do I import the Midterm or Final grade column from an Ultra View course?

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Instructors are unable to change the Overall Grade column name to “Midterm” or “Final” in the Ultra Course View Gradebook.


Follow these steps to workaround this Gradebook issue:

  1. In an Ultra View course, select Gradebook.

  2. In the top-right of the Gradebook, select the Download Gradebook icon.

  3. In the Download Grades panel, choose the Overall Grade column.


  4. Click Download to download the column data to your computer.

  5. In Excel, open the downloaded final. Then change the name of the Overall Grade column to either Midterm for midterm grades or Final for final grades. 

  6. Remove extra columns from the file - such as Student ID, Last Access, Availability. Keep only the Username column and Final column. 

  7. Save the file as CSV file type. 

  8. In the Blackboard Gradebook, click on the Upload Gradebook icon. Then drag/drop the CSV file.

  9. Click Upload to upload the file.


The new column is at the bottom of the Gradebook, and you may want to hide it from students since the Overall Grade column shows the same information.

If these steps don't work, or if you have questions, please contact CIT for more troubleshooting.


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